Thursday, October 28, 2010

Karl Rove at the Wellshire

Karl Rove will speak at the Wellshire this Friday, October 29th.  Karl Christian Rove was Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff to former President George W. Bush until his resignation on August 31, 2007. He has headed the Office of Political Affairs, the Office of Public Liaison, and the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives. Since leaving the White House, Rove has worked as a political analyst and contributor for Fox NewsNewsweek and The Wall Street Journal.

Wellshire is excited for the opportunity to have such a big name politician to speak at our location.  This luncheon is a 40 person private event hosted by 710 KNUS radio station.  Please keep posted to our blog for a more detailed report next week.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wellshire Event Center MPV Pavilion

The Wellshire will be hosting its Mountain View Pavilion Grand Opening on October 20th from 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Complimentary hors d'oeuvres, beer, wine and our signature October Cocktail will be served.  Ashlee Stadig will be decorating the pavilion in an Autumn theme.  Beautiful mum centerpieces will adorn each table.  The beautiful backdrop of the golf course in all of its October glory will be breathtaking!   Please RSVP to 303.759.3333 or to if you plan on attending!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Flowers Make This Fall Wedding Spectacular!

The Wellshire would like all brides to remember that fall weddings don't have to be flowerless!  The wedding held in the pavilion this past Friday evening remembered just that!  Towering bouquets adorned each guest table while bouquets of autumn blooms decorated the delicious and simple cake.  Sometimes leaving the decor up to the beauty of what mother nature provides is always the safest and most elegant route!